
To Whom
It May Concern,
The night of October 2nd I parked my vehicle
in the Dublin Bay Area Rapid Transit station lot to spend the night in San Francisco. At the entrance to the parking lot
was a prominent sign (approximately 3ftx5ft as I recall) saying that parking over 24 hours was unacceptable.
Since the sign was centrally located and large enough to read, I knew to abide by it’s message! I drove
my car into the lot hoping to find the best spot available, and as it was late in the evening, I was able to back
my car into a space very near to the front. As I exited my car, I took notice that there was no sign behind it or coloration
of the curb/lines denoting that the space was in any way regulated. So I left the car and boarded the BART. Upon
my return the following afternoon, I was angered to see a citation for parking my car in the afore mentioned location (BR2495-4d
RESERVED PARKING). Confused as to why I had been ticketed, I looked once again behind the vehicle as well as at the
curb/lines to try and see placards or coloring to establish the spot’s reservation. Seeing none, I began looking
further down the line of parking spaces until I finally spotted a single small sign (approximately 12”x18” as
I recall) on a pole 7 spaces away from mine. According to the singular diminutive sign, the entire line of spaces
(between 10 and 15 as I recall) was reserved parking, requiring a permit. That’s a load of crap… how the
hell is anyone who’s unfamiliar with the lot layout expected to find that unless they park right in front of it.
As I mentioned, when I first arrived at the lot, I saw no placards behind the space or coloration of curb/lines (which are
the common ways the rest of the civilized world marks reserved zones and spaces). How can you get away with not marking
your lot to the accepted standards of the rest of America
and then ticketing those who fail to see your tiny signs. If you expect me to pay for your negligence in properly delineating
reserved spaces, I’ll see you in court. I find it ironic that your issuing officer put “no permit visible”
in the remarks on the citation, when that’s precisely the reason I didn’t know the spots were special… they
weren’t adequately visible! So if you intend to hold your patrons responsible for parking violations, you
yourselves must first be accountable to display adequate and standardized notices! Hmmmm, I don’t know…
maybe use paint on your curbs/lines or have individual placards behind the reserved spaces like the rest of the damn country!!!

